Once you have established the basic foundations of your career e.g. established what you want, have a good digital footprint, and structured your resume adequately, the final stage is the recruiting element.

I have been recruiting for 25 years now and I understand the most efficient and effective ways of getting someone into a new position that will move their career forward or where they will be happier. I can provide a quality recruiting service that you pay on my career coaching rates. https://www.robbakercoaching.com/book-a-session-3/

You’ve probably had some of the following experiences with using recruiters:-

  • They don’t listen to you properly or understand what your asking for
  • They approach you with jobs that are not matched to your needs
  • They disappear after talking with you only to return months later with nothing to say except ‘are you still looking’
  • They annoy you with constant irrelevant emails/linkedin messages
  • They try to persuade and pressurise you to be interested in jobs or take interviews that aren’t relevant to your needs.
  • They bother you with phone calls at inappropriate times often at work.

I’m sure you have a few more!

The reason why you don’t get a quality recruiting service is down to two main reasons; most recruiters are not good at what they do. They are not trained well to provide a good service but instead are given financial targets to hit which means they operate a quantity rather than quality philosophy. As clients are the ones that are paying, generally candidate experience and quality of service is NOT the priority for a recruiter.

I can offer you a way out of this by providing a ‘quality’ recruiting service to you at the same  rates I do my career coaching for.  Alongside this I will offer any clients who could be interested in you a strong discount on my normal fees. The benefits of this are as follows:-

  • Anyone who is paid todo a service will also provide much better quality and value than someone who is not being paid.
  • I will understand your exact needs which we both agree with from the beginning eliminating wasted time with multiple ‘back and forth’ messages.
  • As the client is being offered a 50% discount they are much more likely to be responsive to working with a search consultant; one because they are saving money and two, they will like the idea that they are getting a good deal (as everyone does).

I offer this service to anyone who has had at least one career coaching session with me. It is advised to get ALL your career foundations in place before starting the recruiting element however If you are in more of rush to get that next job e.g. your being made redundant then of course there is no choice but to move forward with recruiting.

Email me on rob@robbakercoaching.com